When its morning for one person and night for the other!!! Got such thing or not? Where got meaning lidat when you don't even share the same day let alone the same time?

Always being alone even on a gloomy day. I mean what can your other half do to solve your problem when they're all the way on the other side of the earth? Most times, they don't even bother hearing your problems coz they have their own problems to deal with and telling it to you through the phone just takes too much time..

Its like being a lonely duck swimming in a big beautiful pond but no one to share the happiness with.. (Though actually in real life, this little duck has a partner but the day this picture was taken, she was no where to be seen. Maybe they fought or something.)
AHHHH... You think dating for 5 years is easy and we are the perfect couple? Try being us then! You... "don't know anything better" people! Just because we have been going out for ages doesn't mean that its a bed of roses for us. Rather.. I think the problems are even bigger! When you first start dating, everything is sweet and the guy will do anything for the girl. Now.. he would rather die than be caught doing something sweet.
I want romance!!! I want a romantic boyfriend. I hate doing all the work!!! AHHHHH... I'm sooooo tired...
Ok.. I'm being totally unfair here but I'm freaking fed up of being in the other side of the world from my boyfriend. If you can even call him that since we only see each other freaking once a year!!! What the heck!!! How can this be called a relationship???
I hate waiting for the phone to ring hoping that its him calling!!! I don't want to do that anymore!!! I know.. you would answer "then why don't you call him?" Well.. What's the point?
Talk everyday so what? There's only so many things one can talk. Only so many times you can say "I miss you" without it sounding monotonous or meaningless. Only so many times before it becomes a chore or a responsibility that one needs to do to "fulfill" one's obligation!!!
*Breathes* I need to have a higher life condition. *Breathes*
At least I don't have to worry about that someone reading this post coz he never reads my blog anyway!
*I just need to concentrate on doing my readings right now and forget about everything!*
Screw long distance relationship!!!
Cheer up my friends, anyway you wont be far for long, time flies.. very soon you will be back together isnt it ?
I've been in a relationship for 3 years. The first two was actually living with my girlfriend from the day we dated and the last 12 months we've been having a long distance relationship.
So yeah, I know how tough it is. Sometimes you want to turn your head and tell the person something you thought about only to realise they aren't there. Sometimes you want a hug or a comforting word only to realise they aren't there.
The best you can be is to be online and that's never enough. Though, you do make the best of it. Even after all these years, some things I find aren't separated by time or distance. It just gets easier as time passes because we know how to make each other and ourselves happy when we need to. As long as you keep to the reasons of being together, long distance be damned. Some days it's just an endless night. Some days, it's like we never left.
long distance relationship will ended in 2 ways...
you either end the long distance or your end the relationship...
ok enough bullshit...
go get your romance~
I understand you doubt and feelings, dear Princess Shin.
Nothing is forever.
I wish you only the best in your life! You deserve the best!
Yes, I agreed with you that in my point of view I think credit cards are scary things because you get debts with it.
I am not the users of the debt card but now i think ed about to the using of this card.
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