Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Twilight Obsession

Oh my god.. I'm utterly and absolute obsessed with the Twilight series. You have no idea.

I first heard about Twilight a year ago when I went into the bookstore with one of my friend and she was gushing about how much she loves the story. I didn't have any interest at all whatsoever at that time. I mean what would be so interesting about a love story between a vampire and a human being?

Yeah.. what is so special about a guy being able to climb trees with an amazing speed and bringing you to the top of the world?

Or be able to protect you no matter what happens?

Or wanting to spend every single moment with you without feeling bored?

Big deal. Another Harry Potter craze. I have enough of that.

But then.. the movie came out.

I didn't even intend to watch it. I mean what's the big deal?

But then it became such a big thing! Everyone was talking about it. Students in my school went for the first screening at 12 midnight even though it was one week to finals!!!

So I went and watch it. Not because of anything but because I just wanted to see what was all the fuss about. And oh my god.. I'm officially hooked now.

Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) is ABSOLUTELY and UTTERLY CUTE!!! Ahhhh... My knees melted when I first saw him. How can anybody be so adorable? Oh my god....

Remember him from Harry Potter as Cedric Diggory?

My knees just went soft again..

Bye bye Orlando Bloom!!!

The show was wonderful. Maybe I'm still a teenager at heart but I'm crazy over the show. I even wanna watch it again!!! And the first thing I wanted to do after the movie was to read the second book of the series.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to buy it. I mean I wasn't that obsessed yet. What would I do with a random second book? I didn't thought I wanted to get the third or fourth book immediately. Besides that, I don't like reading books again. And I already have so much rubbish to get rid of when I graduate.

But when I went to Target the other day, I couldn't stop myself and I bought the second book, New Moon anyways. And if in the beginning I said I was obsessed, now I'm.. I can't even think of a suitable word for more obsessed.

I read the book till 9am today. I didn't sleep the whole night!!! Though after that I slept and ended up waking at 5pm. My days are officially out of sync. I can't get enough of it.

I went for dinner and went to Borders straight wanting to buy the third book, Eclipse. But it's so expensive. =( The paperback version is not out yet. And its freaking 20 dollars for the hardback copy and 23 dollars for Breaking Dawn.

So I ended up sitting in Starbucks with a cup of hot chocolate enjoying my book still Borders closed. But I only had 2 hours so I didn't really get enough of it.

I'm going to buy the books online from Amazon because I can get both Eclipse and Breaking Dawn for 24 dollars. Much much cheaper than getting it in the bookstore. The only downside is that I'll only get it a week later. So meanwhile, I think I'm gonna continue going to Borders to read the book.

Like I said. I'm obsessed. I have never been so obsessed about a book before.

I want a vampire as a boyfriend too. I want to have my version of Edward. Wahahaha..

I think I'm officially crazy..

I know I'm a hopeless romantic. I guess that's why I love this book so much. I guess I never grew up in terms of romance story. Compared to Harry Potter, the Twilight series is basically just a love story. But what makes it sooo special is the intensity of their romance. The eternity of their existence. Who can truly say they can live with someone for an eternity? No matter what happens. Even a hopeless romantic like me can't say that for certain.

Who wouldn't melt when the love of your "existence" tells you..

I can't live in a world where you don't exist.



Me, Mrs Taj said...

mcm best je jln cite ni...

anyway salam perkenalan..nnt exchange link ek..

Selba said...

Hi there.. thanks dropping by my blog :)

I've read the book already but haven't seen the movie yet. I guess it's a must to watch after reading what your "review" in here, hehehe...

Happy New Year 2009 :D

Nadia said...

ohh! i na tgk tp ta sempat pulak. :(

Rui said...

1) ha ha twilight

2) i watched this movie that day

3) sangatlah untuk perempuan, for guys mcm kurang action je citer ini

4) btw, JASPER is way cuter ok if compared to EDWARD..

5) no offence ya ;p

Josette said...

I liked the movie too! But I only became more interested in the series after reading Eclipse, which I found way more interesting than New Moon. NM was the worst book for me unfortunately. I can't wait to buy Breaking Dawn. But I have to read off some unread books still...

Cherry Popcorn said...

Me, Mrs Taj,
Hello! Salam perkenalan! =) Nak exchange link? Boleh..

Thanks for dropping by!

Yup! You definitely have to watch the movie! Its the best!!! =)

Happy New Year to you too!

Thanks for dropping by!

the girl,
Oh? Kenapa? Tak ada sudah? You must watch it! Hehe..

Thanks for dropping by!

1) Haha.. yes twilight

2) Really? Did u like it?

3) That's kinda true I guess. Haha.. too much romance! Hehe..

4) Sure not? Edward better.

5) None taken! =)

Yup! I totally agree. NM is the worst book of all. I can't wait to finish reading Eclipse. I'm still halfway through! Love it!

Terra Shield said...

He is very cute... can't deny that, but I'm gonna stay away from this.

Happy New Year, Princess :)