Thursday, July 14, 2011


One of my friends is moving house and she was just complaining to me the other day how much stuff she needed to do. Yeah.. I totally understand the stress and anxiety behind moving to a new home. I myself am going to move to another state in the US to attend graduate school and though I'm kinda excited, I think I'm definitely more nervous about it than anything.

It is even worse when you don't even stay at home anymore and you only come back during the summer. The place that you have called home over the years is not a strange place that you have no feelings for. All the toys and decorations that you have done while you were young will be all replaced with new walls and new room.


But one thing good is that if you have a party, you'll get lots of gifts. I don't think its really hard to shop for housewarming party gift for hostess because a new home needs almost everything. Don't you think so?

Alas.. when I move.. I'm going to be alone and I don't think I'll have any friends to throw a party to. =( Sad...

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