Monday, July 20, 2009


Keeping a blog is seriously not an easy task. Whoever that told you that you can earn money easily by blogging is totally faking it. Just look at me and you'll know.

My blog has gone through so many ups and downs until I have lost touched. It has gone from about a few hundred visitors a day to a mere 15 visitors a day. Of course my blog has not reached the ranks of with millions of visitors a day but at least I know some human beings read my blog.. or maybe not.

Getting one's blog up to various search engines is not an easy thing either. I know of bloggers that purposely use words such as "porn," "sex" and stuff to put their blog on search engines even though their post has nothing to do with those titles. Like me! Wahhahah..

There is also another way to increase traffic for your blog and that is by directory submission. Basically you submit your blog to the website and they will post your website's address on their main page. In return you have to either blog about their website or put a button that directs readers to their website on your webpage.

Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not.

Basically to be successful in anything, one must be able to devote time and energy into it. Only then can you truly be successful in your field.

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