Friday, October 26, 2007

Muslim Barbie!

Hey Guys!!! I know Raya is long past but I would really wanna wish all my Muslim readers Selamat Hari Raya!!! =)

This is the first time I'm experiencing Raya away from home and I don't like it at all! =( Apart from ONE student who is a Muslim on campus, I have no other connection to the Muslim world and I miss it!!! Argh.. I miss the days where I can attend the street market which sells tons of Malay food during the Puasa month!!! Oh.. those things are the best! I love my fried mee hoon, donut, curry, rendang.. I so have to stop talking about food!!! Ooooh.. you just don't know how to appreciate stuff until you don't have it anymore! Boohooo..

I'm sounding like a old lady!!!

I almost missed Raya myself if it weren't for the ONLY Muslim guy because he wore his traditional outfit on Raya day itself. Kinda like me when I wore my baju kurung during National Day! Hehe.. must have stole the idea from me! But yeah.. Raya is such a big thing in Malaysia and you'll definitely feel the sense of celebration everywhere you go even if you're not a Malay. But over here.. No one knows anything about it. It is just an ordinary day! It is so funny thinking about it.. how we're may be living on the same planet earth but may live totally different lives. Weird right thinking about it?

Hope you guys received lots of Duit Raya and ate lots of food!!! =)

Just wanna share with you something that I learned in Anthropology class. Maybe some of you know this already but remember the Barbie dolls that we used to play when we were kids? The girls I mean though my younger brother actually played Barbie doll with me when he was a kid. Shh.. Don't tell anyone! Anyway.. remember how the Barbie was always white? It was never any other race other than white? Well.. now there's a Muslim Barbie introduced in the Middle East countries. Fulla Barbie!!! And guess what! She not only wears the 'tudung' (hijab), she also has a matching prayer mat and her black outer layer cloth to cover her whole body when she walks out of the house. You can buy different clothes for her to wear if she's home.

They even have Doctor Fulla and Teacher Fulla to encourage young girls because these 2 are considered respected careers.

Fulla is getting very popular in the Middle East countries because of the values she supposedly portrays. She is supposed to be a girl that is honest, loving and is respectful of her parents. That's why parents don't mind buying Fulla to their daughters because it encourages their baby girls to wear the hijab and practice good Muslim values.

For some reason, this looks like a Malaysian Barbie! =)

I personally don't understand a single thing the advertisement is saying but I really find it interesting! Maybe you guys can try and translate it for me!

Interesting right how different culture can be.. Have you ever seen one?


merapuman said...

u been busy. post getting lesser.

Da Winged Acrophobic said...

Maaf zahir dan batin.

Merv Kwok said...

wow.. that's new!