Thursday, March 01, 2007

Staph Infections and MRSA

What do you do when you get a cut or a scrape? Do you just apply some antiseptic that you find in your home, put on a plaster and just get on with it?

Or do you think that your cut or scrape needs more care than it deserves?

Ever heard of staph infections and MRSA?

There's an epidermic of staph infection and MRSA that have moved out of the hospitals and infiltrated the general public. Yes. That means you and me.

The main strain of staph is called MRSA (methicilin resistant staphylococcus aureus). This is the one that is out in the general population.

Some pro football players have been sidelined by it so the epidermic is now slowly getting the attention it needs. Unfortunately, millions of others for instance high school wrestlers, children and the elderly people in long term facilities have been hit hard by the MRSA. has manufactured a new over-the-counter wound care treatment, called StaphAseptic. It can greatly help prevent the community to get the staph infection, including the ever so scary MRSA staph infections. It protects you and at the same time stop staph from spreading.

Accidents happen everywhere, anytime. The question is are you prepared for it?

Visit and click on the 'News' link for actual MRSA stories across the country.

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