Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Romantic Letters

How to write Love Letters? Do people still write love letters nowadays? With all the high tech gadgets and communication being so easily essesible, do people still write down their inner most feelings with pen and paper?

Nowadays you can find everything you want on the internet! Romance for Everyone is one of the new sites that i found. They even have a website, Romantic Love Letters, that teaches you how to write love letters! They have a library full of love letters for you to read and gain inspirations for.

I went and visit the site and found a few love letters that I think is quite romantic. One of them, titled 'My Heart' was written by a guy to his sweetheart before she went on a business trip.

My Dear Sweet Tammy,

I thought I would let you know that my love for you is burning very brightly this afternoon. My heart longs for you. My heart longs to leap at the sound of your voice. My heart longs to be filled with joy by your smile.

Check it out if you wanna continue reading it further... =)

They have other stuff too... Romance tips, relationship articles, eHarmony dating tips for men, eHarmony dating tips for women... I found a very interesting article, "How to Write a Dear John Letter". You know what's a Dear John letter? A Dear John letter is a goodbye letter written by a woman to a man.

I didn't know that.

They actually give u tips on how to write a compassionate Dear John letter. Interesting right?

I never really receive any love letters before. As I said before, what with all the e-mails, sms... Love letters are almost extinct! And I don't really blame them. Who wants to write love letters anymore? But when I think about all the love letters that my mum actually received from my dad when he was away in London to study, I am actually very envious of her. She still has them and imagine after so many years you can still take them out and carefully read and savor each sentence again.

So maybe we should revive the tradition again and start writing love letters! Valentine's Day is coming right? =)

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