Monday, July 09, 2007

Bonsai Cat

Do you receive weird e-mails from friends? Those e-mails that contain weird images that sometimes if you're lucky will make you laugh or feel in awe with the ability of people to take those pictures.. or make you think twice whether those pictures are real or not.

I don't know whether you received this mail or not but yesterday was the 2nd time I receive the mail on 'bonsai kitten'.


A site that we were able to shut last year has returned. We have to try to shut it down again! A Japanese man in New York breeds and sells kittens that are called BONSAI CATS.

That would sound cute, if it weren't kittens that were put in to little bottles after being given a muscle relaxant and then locked up for the rest of their lives!! The cats are fed through a straw and have a small tube for their faeces. The skeleton of the cat will take on the form of the bottle as the kitten grows. The cats never get the opportunity to move.

They are used as original and exclusive souvenirs. These are the latest trends in New York, China, Indonesia and New Zealand .

If you think you can handle it, view and have a look at the methods being used to put these little kittens into bottles. This petition needs 500 names, so please put your one name on it!!! Copy the text into a new email and put your name on the bottom, then send it to everyone you know. If you notice that there are 500 names on the list, please send it to:

Well.. I have to admit that I really felt disgusted with the mail and was angry at how people can actually do this kinda things to animals. And I was curious to know more so as usual, I went and google it up!!!

And guess what I found?

Bonsai Kitten is an internet hoax, which claimed to give instructions on how to grow kittens in bottles as a form of decoration, similar in fashion to a Bonsai tree.

That's what wikipedia said!!!

Haha.. can you imagine it? It seems that a group of very free MIT graduate students that didn't really know what to do with their lives came out with this hoax to play on people's humane feelings! It seems that when people grew to knew about this 'bonsai kitten', animal activists actually went on to complain to animal welfare organizations and set up online petitions to have the website banned!

Some people are so free I tell you!

And to make things even more absurd, this case was actually investigated by the FBI itself! Haha..

Were you fooled?


KY said...

it's a hoax. check the wiki site, girl. :)

Cherry Popcorn said...

Em.. did you read my post?

Thanks for dropping by though! =)

DTclarinet said...

Yes, I was fooled and very upset. But the link you gave went nowhere, and then I read the end of your post.

The thing is people will to anything. Skinning cats is not a hoax. I was going to adopt a black kitten and a few days later the owner told me he found it decapitated in his front yard. I guess someone wanted to give the devil a gift.

krystyna said...

OMG. Only people can be so cruel.
Thanks Princess for your voice of help.

I admire your great job. How can you find time to write almost every day?
Maybe some day you'll write about bonsai tree. I got two as a gift last week. This is my first contack with this beauty and I know nothing about how take care.

Menchie said...

for a minute there, I was really horrified it was true.

Bena said...

Stupid, lame ass people who got nothing better to do. sheesh!

Cherry Popcorn said...

Woah.. your story is really scary!!! People are so sick I tell you!!! >.< The link I posted on my blog, is no more functional. You have to click on my bonsaikitten word to get to the site.

Thanks for dropping by!

Hello my dear! The bonsai kitten is a hoax ya know! Haha.. You din understand my post?

I don't really write everyday though. Kinda busy and lazy nowadays. My father had a bonsai tree a few years back and he was totally in love with it but he didn't know how to take care of it so it died. Kinda sad. Takes a lot of work to take care of a bonsai tree!!!

Haha.. I know. I actually believed it too! But you know the internet, you can't believe everything that you see!!!

Yup!!! lame ass people! Haha..

Anonymous said...

Atorrantes eres por la reconchatumadre como chucha le vas a hacer eso a los pobres animalitos que no tienen culpa de nada haber que te pongan a ti en una botella, y depsues me dices si te gusta, los animales son creacion de Dios, y ellos tambien alaban a Dios, cuando te vallas al infierno quiero verte llorar por pedir perdon.

Anonymous said...

its an absurd because the test labs are abusing lab cats far worse than described about bonsai kittens and no FBI cares.

Anonymous said...

I was VERY unhappy about this hoax because it mentions New Zealand as subscribing to this stupidity.

Believe me, and New Zealander coming across this kind of thing in reality would kill (no, I'm not joking) the person doing it. This hoax is an insult to our entire nation.

Cherry Popcorn said...

Me no comprendo espanol! =)

That's true. But I wonder how much of all these are true.

People do stupid things to get attention. We'll never understand it.
Thanks for dropping by though!

Anonymous said...

I Will Kill that man if i ever meet or see him.... or anyone has one and i see or hear about it!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

my friend presented this in class today. I'm a cat-lover, so i broke down and cried, hyperventilating as well.

Anonymous said...

Geez, man, I almost cried while reading it!
That's a really cruel joke, I've looked at my cat with tears in my eyes :P

Teresa jane said...

That is so sad. It's not even funny when you get to the end. A cruel joke!