Thursday, May 05, 2011


Capstone is done!!! Woooo!!! I can't believe this. After 3 and a half years of listening to my upperclassmen complain about this scary senior thesis that they have to do, and finally needing to do it.. I mean.. seriously.. all the hype up surrounding it totally makes sense. It builds the suspense and when you're done..

Pooosh!!! Celebration!!! Wooohooo..!!!

I have so many papers around my room now. I just want to throw all of them away. But my sentimental self keeps thinking.. what if I still need them in the future? =.= I need those custom presentation folders to be able to arrange all my stuff neatly and efficiently. Not let it lie around my room.. I can't even see my carpet anymore because it is all filled with papers!

But whatevers.. Capstone is over!!! Woohoo!!!!

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