Friday, November 07, 2008

Talented Connie Talbot

Have you heard about this young girl? If you havent, you must be hiding under a coconut tree or something. Though to tell you the truth, I just came across her today while browsing through videos in youtube.

She's only 7 years old now and is already producing her own album.

She got her famed through the reality show "Britain's Got Talent" with none other than the infamous Simon Cowell.

You should see her audition. She has a voice of an angel.. So sweet and innocent.

My only hope is that she doesn't let fame get to her head and end up like one of those teen stars that goes in and out of rehab.

Is too much fame bad for a young kid? Only time can tell but right now.. she's awesome!!!


zewt said...

i am not too worried about in and out of rehab... i am more concern about young ppl (someone like her) getting overly rich... started buying porches and big houses before they even know what is the meaning of a bank account and forget the about the reality of the world...

Cherry Popcorn said...

That's true too. But lots of celebrities are like that. Or kids from rich families. But those that end up ruining their lives before it even started are just sad and should not happen.