It's been almost 3 weeks since I got here. And everything has been absolutely great. Other than having a C+ for my first college essay, I'm all right.
Boohoo.. Let's not talk about my poor written essay. As I am talking now.. I have another essay due on Monday and the topic is 'What is Justice?". Anyone can help me in that?
It is certainly a new experience here! Malaysia is gonna celebrate it's 50th anniversary soon and I'm so bumped to not be able to attend it. People say that you'll grow to love your country more once you're out of it and seriously.. I can't agree more. Though the food in my current university is absolutely great.. but I do miss my Chao Kuew Tiao once is a while.
Did I tell you that the food here is awesome? Seriously!!! I have rice every single day! Haha.. I'm so gonna gain my freshman 15 weight! Help me people!!! =(
Thanks for guys if you still pop in occasionally. I know it's terrible when you come in and find that there are no updates. But I'll promise I wont stop ya. I'll try and make it once a week! Hehe..
On another note, one of the upperclassman that I knew recently brought me to a Japanese supermarket. And the first thing that came in my mind was to buy Milo!!!! Do you know that you can never ever find Milo anywhere? Target.. Wallmart.. it's like people here don't drink anything other than coffee and tea. It's terrible I tell you!
Guess how much it is! >.< Yup!!! 7 USD!!! Crazy anot! And look how small it is! But I was glad I went there though. It is really a comfortable feeling when you're surrounded by Asian stuff even though its all from Japan! Better than nothing la!
I wish.. =(
You can't imagine how much I miss my Maggi Goreng!
THis is kinda fair price though. Back in Malaysia it is super expensive!
I bought one of each to snack on! Wahaha..
You can't imagine how much I miss my Maggi Goreng!
I bought one of each to snack on! Wahaha..
There was something weird about this place though. You actually have to be a member to buy stuff from this supermarket! You have to pay like 10USD a year to sign up for their membership. If not you just pay a dollar a day. Weird right?
Later only I found out that the reason they do this is because the stuff here is cheaper compared to outside. (What? My Milo is cheaP?) And they don't add tax after everything! (Yup! Everything here is tax!) Which after thinking about it a dollar is kinda fair!
But imagine having to pay to start buying stuff from a shop!!!
Why didn't anyone tell me this? I already brought like half a dozen of Darlie here! I didn't know I had to bring sanitary pads too!!! Argh.. Now I have to go out there and try some other brands! Argh!!! I hate this. You guys may think that it is all the same and all but IT IS NOT!!! >.<
Damn those marketing people! =(
You girls wanna introduce me to some new brand? Or maybe there's Whisper here too! Anybody?
Ok.. I have to start on my essay now!!! Stop procrastinating Princess Shin!!! Argh!!!
Till then.. Adios!
study oversea is so nice...grow up faster...too bad i dont have the opportunity..
Happy 50th National Day...:)
you're gonna spend a few years there so you shouldnt convert. i know it's tough, but the converting thing will pass. soon... u will be spending like any ordinary american.
and... dont need to be so fussy about the pad brand right? :P
Sure the cost of living is high there. But like what zewt said, u shouldn't convert and instead live like an ordinary American. Planning to do some part time job there? Or explore the places first?
dont put on weight! >.<
and try some korean instant taste superb!
cant help you with the pad though..never had one of those before..hehe!
I was very fat in uni, a lot of supper and junks. :P
But enjoy it, you will miss the life once you start working.
Oh, no Whisper there? O.o
Thanks for dropping by my place :-)
What is Justice?
People who eat and eat but don't gain weight lor.. :-P
Psst, this is not sponsored... the best sanitary pads are from J & J.. Stayfree. BTW, let me know if the Maggie there taste the same.
Good to know you're adjusting to uni life in the US.
I switched to tampons last year and have never looked back. Never going back to pads. you should try it. :D
you'll get used to the spending and stuffs .. all the best in surviving abroad! and Happy Merdeka day ..
Happy The 50th Anniversary of Independence of Malaysia!
The Flag Billows High
The Yellow, Red, White and Blue
It Stands for MERDEKA!
That is for Me and You.
Yellow is the Respect
For the Malay Rulers
The Crescent for Official Religion Islam
Pointed Stars of States and Federal.
Red Represents Challenges to Overcome
With Courage in Our Hearts
Spreading from East to West
Covering Every Part.
White Stands for High Morality
And Purity too
It Shows to the Whole World
What is in Me and You.
Blue Stands for Peace
Also for Unity
Malaysians of Various Races
Deserve this Grand Party!
This words are from my friend's blog Azer:
I like your place and I like your work here. I like You!
The ‘Power of Schmooze Award’ is The Award for bloggers who “effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship”.
I pass this award to you. Check out my evolving blog - take a look at the left hand side.
(you award 5 others)
Hello! THanks for dropping by! Happy National Day too!!!
Yeah.. Its hard not to convert though. Because I don't really know whether its expensive or not if I don't. The range of prices here are so weird!
I guess I have to not be fussy then. Geram!!!!
I plan to take a part time job. But slowly I think. Wanna settle down first. And furthermore, International students can't work. They can only work in the university!
Hmph!!! Why if I put on weight you don't wanna friend me already? Terrible guy!!
Aiyah.. YOu never tried on one before ah? Aiyoh.. Canot help me then! So terrible wan you! Friends must help each other in everything wan ma! =P
Yup! I'm super scared of gaining weight! Haha.. esp since the food in my uni is super nice. Scary!!!
Nope.. Can you believe they don't have whisper here? It's so weird I tell yoU!
HellO! Thanks for dropping by! There is no Maggie here!!! I miss Maggie. Esp mee in the mug. And the curry flavour! Ah.. Let's not talk about it now.. Boohoo..
What is J&J? Is it the same as Stayfree? Yup.. people who eat alot and don't grow fat should jump into the longkang! Haha..
Thanks! Tried using tampons though. Don't really know how to use it.. so.. =( Boohoo..
Haha.. I hope so.. I wanna spent like an American but I don't have the money to do so.. Boohoo..
Thanks for dropping by though!~
Hey! Thanks for giving me that award. I'm so honored! You're so sweet! Hehe.. Muarx!!!
Thanks for the poem too!!! Take care!
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