Yup! I dunno whether to rejoice or feel terrible because I only have 17 more days to live in my this beautiful country Malaysia! No.. I'm not dying.. I'm just gonna further my studies soon.
For you out there that have no idea what I'm talking about?
Well.. Em.. You havent been reading my blog havent you? Well.. naughty you then! >.<
Hahah.. joking! I'm going to US soon. Yup! In another 17 more days! It hasn't really dawn on to me yet that I'm finally gonna leave my country of 20 years!
I have been waiting for this day to come for so long that now that it's finally here, I'm not really believing it. I mean, it's not that I don't believe that I can finally go overseas to study, it's just that I can't really believe that I'm gonna leave my home soon! I kinda feel that I don't wanna leave now. I realized a long time ago that whenever I ask my friends that are about to leave on what their feelings are at the moment before they leave, their answer is always,
"Em.. nothing la. Lidat lo.."
"Don't you feel excited at all?" will be my answer.
"Not really. Kinda feel sad actually." will they say softly.
Now I understand how they feel. Part of me, say like 20% is kinda excited that I'm gonna start a whole new chapter of my life experiencing new cultures and stuff, and part of me, the remaining 80%, kinda dreads the 'big' day.
What if I get so lonely there? What if I cannot adapt to the environment over there? What if I miss my family and cry for my mummy everyday? What if.. What if.. What if? A
rgh.. Life is just full of challenges right? Even when things go your way, you still need to face multiple challenges in life.
Now, the biggest problem for me is packing. I have another 17 days more to go and I haven't started packing yet! Not a single thing. Why? Well.. I don't know what to pack!!! I know nuts about packing!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!
My family went and bought a luggage bag for me! Cost around RM700 ya know. Super expensive! You think enough for me anot leh?

I know I'll definitely need to bring clothes. But how much is much? What about shoes? Books? Stationary? Bed sheets? Pillows?
I heard that US doesn't have Darlie the toothpaste. Should I bring half a dozen of Darlie then? I have a friend that just migrated to Australia and it seems that she has been bringing almost half a dozen of Darlie toothpaste every time she flew back to Malaysia because Australia doesn't have Darlie. She did this even when she was studying 10 years ago!!!

These things just don't cross your mind unless someone tells you! But now that someone did warn you, are you gonna take their advice?
How am I gonna fit in everything in my bag? Or even if I succeed.. How am I gonna fit it in my room???
Argh.. I'm worried and stress up now!!! There seems to be so many things for me to do, so little time.. but I don't know where to start and what to do!!!
>.< Help!
Looks light a 2 toe leg...
Eh I think you need a bigger luggage le... too small too small. If they dont have darlie i am sure they have colgate, no?
Well at least u got accepted. i am in ADP but planning to go to canada. my biggest fear is that college would accept me! ><
hmmm.... no one tells me there's no darlie even in aussie!! that's really strange. but what is wrong with other brand of toothpaste in aussie? and for you... anything wrong with toothpaste in US?
so... you will not come back as a V cos you're not leaving as one eh? haha!
Alamak! Serious meh? haha.. Is my fingers that ugly?
So now advice for me? =(
Haha.. you're saying my luggage is too small? Any bigger and I can put my bf over and ship him over there too! Haha..
Good luck in your college application ya! It's the biggest most challenging time of one's life. Until now I mean. =)
Thanks for dropping by!
Nope!!! No darlie in aussie!!! Haha.. I dunno what's wrong with the other toothpaste brand in aussie or US but I like Darlie!!! =(
And wat la you.. what is it with my V and all!!! Perverted old man!!!
gosh, i'd get three more suitcases if i were you. I don't think i can leave my shoes, books and most of my clothes.
good luck packing.
bring a dozen toothpaste if you can't use another brand.
And the million dollar question is...
Is America prepared for Princess Shin???
Knock 'em dead, girl! ;p
Like you said, a whole new chapter in your life is just beginning. How exciting!
Good luck!
Hi Princess Shin!
Splendidly! I’m sure you will be happy to go overseas to study.
Is it new for you? (sorry, I didn’t read all your posts).
Don’t worry about your adopting to a new country.
My two sons went (not together) to US as very young boys (18) and their start was not easy. They studied and worked, and everything was new and difficult. But Life is not easy. It is always lesson. They are generally shy, but I’m proud of them, they managed it. Now they are happy. Now, I live in US too. My start was easier, but unacquaintance English was a big problem. In my age study new language was … sooo difficult. But I like new adventure. I think - you too.
Good luck!!!
You can always write to me if you need my advice.
I found at your the ad place inform about bonsai. I got bonsai trees as a gift, but without instruction. I found here good information.
both my sisters studied abroad. no problems. don't worry, you'll be fine. but i think that 700 thing is way too small.
Good luck!! Change is scary at first but you will adjust. The US is a pretty nice place :)
I studied locally and took a lot more than I can imagine... I suppose this could be your carry on luggage... could you possibly send your other stuff by freight?
gosh! less than 17 days to finally send you your postcards i promised so long ago. sorrreeeee! i kept forgetting :P
gosh ur luggage looks small..mine is bigger than urs definitely..but your whole family is going with you so dont worry u'll get all ur stuff there! =)
gonna call u some day k? pick up my call!
the bag is too small! i carried 35kg of stuffs to uk everytime i come from malaysia! that bag is def not enuff for u! i'll advice u to get those big hard ones with nice colours like apple green/pink. they have bigger capacity. about the toothpaste, whatever toothpaste is the same. use colgate. (:
sigh... yeah... i am old... sigh...
Haha.. three more cases? How am I gonna carry everything? I can't live without my books, shoes and clothes too.. But I have no choice.. Boohoo.. But I'll definitely get my favorite toothpaste! =)
Wahaha.. I certainly hope they are.. Coz I'll be coming no matter what! =P
Yup!!! Exciting right? But scary at the same time too! =(
Hello! Thanks for your advice! Yup! It's my first time. I'll be going there to study! 4 year course. It's gonna be a new life definitely! But I'll be keeping you updated ya! Take care!
How was your bonsai tree? Hope it's nice and healthy!
You serious ah? Way too small? Em.. How am I gonna carry if it's bigger? AlamaK!
Thanks! =) Hope I adjust soon! Boohoo.. But I'm sure US is an awesome place! You're there right? ^.^
terra shield,
Carry on luggage? What do you mean? I think if I send it by mail it'll be super expensive! Cannot lah.. I'll just have to make do! Furthermore.. I don't think my room is that big! Boohoo!
merv kwok,
Haha.. I totally forgot of my prize too! Haha.. aiyoh.. so are you still gonna send? =P
>.< Small ah? very big already okay! I don't even know whether I can carry anot. It's like half my height! If big somemore hor.. I don't think I can carry lo! Aiyoyoy.. And the room where got so big wan! AH!!!!
You mana ada call me! Cakap saje! Bluek!
Hello! Welcome to my blog! You carried 35 kg of stuff every single time? Can? No need to pay extra? But even if I got big bags, how am I gonna carry?
I still prefer darlie! =)
Thanks for dropping by!
Haha.. no worries.. Old man outside but young at heart right? =P
u r welcum. almost everytime. i went back to malaysia once a year and got all the things i need.i always come by mas airlines. they always give 5-8 kgs allowance more than usual. so, i guess it's alrite.get a backpack? a really big one. then u can backpack it and also u can carry one hang luggage also. + laptop if u haf. ur hands will be occupy but this is what it takes to travel.
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