Oooh.. This really is long overdue. Terra Shield tag me ages ago and I totally forgotten about the whole thing! =( But now I'm replying this! So no worries!
Hmm.. this is a thinking meme. Sounds interesting right?
All I have to do is named 5 bloggers who I think writes a good thinking blog! I feel totally honored that Terra Shield named my blog! Hehe.. Thanks ya gal!
So here I go..
"If you choose to carry this meme forward, remember to tag only those bloggers who stimulate your cortex....or something like that. Please make sure you pass the rules to the blogs you are tagging.
The participation rules are simple:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think
2.Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme The Thinking Blogger Award
Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award'
You guys have won this Award!!! COngratulations!!! =)

The five blogs that I've linked to are:
1. Krystyna of Evolving Your Spirit, Mind and Body.
Krystyna is a lovely, kind, friendly blogger who blogs about anything concerning your body and soul. From yoga to taichi, to vegetable diet, everything you want to know on how to best protect your body and soul.
2. Menchie of Timeouts
Menchie is a wonderful mother of 2 beautiful kids. Her blog is mostly on her family. I always feel all warm and fuzzy inside after reading her post. It shows that even in this chaotic world of ours there still exist beautiful all rounded family!
3. Miss Positive of What Goes Around Comes Around
Miss Positive is a girl who just finished her STPM and soon to embark on a whole new life in a local university. Her posts are definitely thought provoking ones as she sometimes writes about issues that people rarely think about. Drop by her blog and see for yourself!
4. Josette of Books Love Me
Oooh.. This is a blogger that totally adores books!!! I tell you. For books lovers like me, it was a total delight to stumble upon her blog one day. After that, I was hooked! Josette not only blogs about books, she also blogs on where to get the best deals on books, and how our Malaysian major bookstores kinda defer from each other. And seriously, to be able to find a Malaysian that blogs about books is as hard as finding a needle in a haystack!
Know why? Coz the average Malaysian only reads 2 books a YEAR!!!
So books lovers, this is the blog for you!
5. Zewt of As Zewt As It Gets
Well.. I don't have to describe much about this as it is evident that our Zewt is labeled as the next big thing! =) If you want to exercise your mind, head over to Zewt's blog and you will definitely not be disappointed! Zewt's blog is not your average, what did I do today blog, on the contrary, it is filled with issues that people generally think about but don't really discuss it stuff! It can even be used as a topic of discussion when you're out with your friends!!! I'm serious! He's that good! And I'm not the only one that thinks that, he already has the Thinking Blogger Award in his blog!
Uh-Oh.. So much for not describing much!
Anyway, here are the 5 blogs that I have listed! Go have fun blog hopping!
P/S: Please do remind me if I have forgotten to reply your tag! Sincere apologies!
Mr Mind came back with a vengeance?
hey princess... those are too flattering words... the next big thing? haha... overdose of compliment here. :)
thanks for the award... my 3rd actually.
Awwww Princess....thank you sweetie! I am honored you thought of me! Will get to this soon!
dun think too hard, it hurts! btw, i link u ok?
the winged acrophobic,
Nolah.. just coming back from a long break! Hehe..
Haha.. trying to act humble here somebody? I knowla you got 3 awards di la! Hehe..
Congrats anyway! You deserve it! =)
Welcome my dear! =) You deserve it! Muarx!
Haha.. thinking too hard hurts the mind? I do agree! So we should sleep more! Wahaha..
I'll be honoured to be linked by you! Thanks ya!
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