Sunday, February 25, 2007

RockStartup, A Documentary on PPP

This is a sponsored post.

I'm sure everyone has heard about PayPerPost by now. If you are one of my imaginary readers, I'm sure you'll notice the various post that I have written which consists of reviews about some site, product or movie. All these are all by PayPerPost. I post something that they like and I get paid for it.

And PayPerPost is slowly growing into a very successful web-based company.

How did this all started? Who is behind all these? Who is the master mind behind all these?

Not only have they successfully created a joint venture that benefits both bloggers and advertisers, they have now started their own reality show! Yup! You got that right!

No more The Apprentice. Its the RockStartup now!!!

This show tells us all that is going through behind launching a web 2.0 company. The promise, the perils, the pride, the pressure, the pain and pitfall. Everything is being shown. Even the ever interesting love triangle.

Though they're obviously not as cruel as Donald Trump in firing people, or as disgusting as Fear Factor in forcing people to eat bugs but if you're interested in how PayPerPost is fast becoming into a money churning machine, you should tune in.

Check out the 1st episode of the whole series. Its also my favourite episode.

Not bad for a reality show right?

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