Friday, November 07, 2008

Cheap Spectacles!

I still love calling glasses "spectacles!" I know its a British thing and all but "spectacles" just sound more elegant and sophisticated! Don't you think so?

I love my current spectacle. Hehe..My maroon colored rimmed glasses. I don't know what is with my obsession with dark rimmed glasses but I feel it is so much better than those frame-less glasses that everyone is going gaga about. Or maybe that's what I think. I think frame-less glasses are so out already.

I even gave up my contact lenses now. Obviously its because of multiple reasons but I wouldn't have readily given it up if I didn't have pretty spectacles.

Eyeglasses nowadays can be soo cheap. Though its hard to find the perfect one to fit your features. I know I like dark-rimmed glasses. But not too thick. It has to be fairly thin but still able to see it. Titanium is the best. Metal is okay but you have the risk of having it rust. That will not be a good sight.

Zenni Optics has really good eyeglasses. The prices there are very reasonable too. The picture shown below cost only around USD 24! That will be a frame that I like. But black or red would be a better color.

Spectacles are no more a chore to wear. Its part of our everyday outfit and an accessory to make us look prettier. Therefore, choose wisely to get the best fit for you.

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