Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Plagiarism Checking Services

Now that I'm gonna start my university life in the states, one of the things that I worry most is regarding plagiarism. I have heard so many stories on how plagiarism can actually ruin your whole learning career! Esp in the States where everything is so strict and unbending!

You know why is it so hard for me to adapt? That's because in Malaysia it's much much more lenient. Students do it all the time. Whenever there is a project or assignment that needs to be completed, all the student needs to do is log onto the internet, find the information, copy and paste and you're done.

The lecturers will accept it without any questions. Some lecturers may go the extra mile by asking you to do it in another language so you can't copy and paste, but students just translate it literally!

I'm not saying that everywhere in Malaysia is like that but it is generally not so strict there. And I don't know whether I can complete my assignments in future with all the strict marking and everything. I know it's wrong but don't you think it makes life so much easier?

Yeah.. Yeah.. I know its wrong. That's why we have programs like iPlagiarismCheck.com - See our various packages! This service helps you to check your documents before you hand them in. Whether you're a student or a lecturer, this site is perfect for you. They have this patented software technology which resides entirely online and does not need you to download or install anything.

iPlagiarismCheck.com will then check all blogs, directories, cache as well as PDF's that are all over the Internet. They also checked publications, whether it is hard or soft printed, their software will check books, articles and journals.

Plagiarism is a very serious crime and we students have to be very careful in this. One wrong step and we may find ourselves getting fined, failed, expelled or fired from our universities! That would be a terrible ending right?

So be careful in doing your assignments and good luck in your results!

Good luck in me too!!!

*This post in sponsored by iPlagiarismCheck.com*


divinity said...

I have used their service to check my articles and absolutely love it! Well done guys!

Da Winged Acrophobic said...

Handy stuff. Especially for an undergrad.

Cherry Popcorn said...

Thanks for droping by! Good to hear that you tried their services! Good luck!

the winged acrophobic,
Yup! It's scary being a student! Boohooo..