Sunday, August 18, 2013

On a clear California day in February 1990, I spoke with the American journalist Norman Cousins (1915–90). I will never forget his words on that occasion, reflecting his belief in the importance of overcoming the feelings of powerlessness and cynicism that can take root in the human heart: 'What is the greatest human tragedy? It is not death per se. The real tragedy is death in life―though your body survives, something important inside you has perished.'

That 'something important inside you' to which Mr. Cousins referred could be summed up as a solid belief in one's own incredible inner potential.

SGI Newsletter No.No. 8818, Learning from the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin: The Teachings for Victory [49] "The Embankments of Faith." Believe in Your Infinite Potential and Strengthen Your Faith More Than Ever! From the Feb. 2013 Daibyaku Renge, translated 5th Aug., 2013

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