Monday, September 17, 2012

Just go for it!

What is in your bucket list? Especially when the economic gets worse and life gets tougher, there's an increasingly more emphasis on making sure people know what their priorities in life are instead of spending every waking moment trying to put food on the table.

Though of course its undeniable that some people just don't have that luxury to even make that choice.

Did you always dream of going skydiving but never had a chance to? Or you always wanted to visit Alaska but didn't have the time to? Or maybe you always wanted to try some exotic food like sushi (trust me, I have met some people who still have not tried sushi before) but never had the courage to. Or you always wanted to be a musician but never felt you were good enough or that you didn't have the right instrument, for example a wireless microphones musicians friend (don't even ask me what that is coz I don't know)?

Well.. just go for it. Whether its something small or insignificant or something that actually requires some planning. I say go for it no matter how impossible it may be. You never know what kind of experience it will be and it will just put more meaning into your already colorful life.

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