Tuesday, May 01, 2012

On Love and Relationship

The question is: Does the person you like inspire you to work harder at your studies or distract you from them? Does his/her presence make you more determined to devote greater energies to school activities, be a better friend, a more thoughtful son or daughter? Does he inspire you to realize your future goals and work to achieve them? Or is that person your central focus, overshadowing all else - your school activities, your friends and family and even your goals?

If you are neglecting the things you should be doing, forgetting your purpose in life because of the relationship you're in, then you're on the wrong path. A healthy relationship is one in which two people encourage each other to reach their respective goals while sharing each other's hopes and dreams. A relationship should be a source of inspiration, invigoration and hope.

- Daisaku Ikeda, Discussion on Youth, p. 60 -


Knight said...

I agree with this, absolutely. My partner and i used to challenge each other to do better in our studies. and the one who did the best 'won'. we weren't really competing for anything, we might playfully make the stakes "cooking the other dinner".

It was the support of having someone to study with that made it so important to study and focus and achieve greatness in school.

Cherry Popcorn said...

Wow. That's really inspiring. That's a good partner! =)

Thanks for dropping by!