Monday, January 19, 2009


South America is a land of coffee!!! Ok.. I don´t know if that´s a good generalization to make but everybody goes crazy buying coffee here.

Does coffee only grow on tropical countries?

I know Vietnam is popular for its coffee. Is Malaysia popular for its coffee too? Or is it just its tea in Cameron highlands?

I can´t believe I´m forgetting. Haha..

I know Colombia is famous for its coffee. I bought some for my mum but I think she gave everything away in the end. She only likes Nescafe. She doesn´t like to go through all the trouble grinding the coffee beans and slowly brewing it.

My mum is weird.

Maybe I should try and open coffee franchises all around the world educating people of coffee from other parts of the world.. Hmm.. good idea?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Coffee is valued because it only grows in the tropics. We must be careful to guard it from humanity lest our lust for coffee causes us to squander it just as humanity has squandered so much of the earth's worth.

Time for my first cup of the day.