Wednesday, September 03, 2008

I'm back in US now

I hate jet lag. I don't know if my room has full of dust or I don't have enough sleep but I'm sick! =.= I have flu and I'm super tired.

Stupid 18 hour long flight. When will someone invent something that can enable us to travel for less than this ungodly amount of time?

I hate travelling this far.

I'm tired of flying around. Boohoo..

I wish there's this special door that we can cross and we'll be halfway across the globe in 2 seconds. Like the fireplace in Harry Potter. Whaahahaha...

I need sleep. =(

1 comment:

Madurai paiyan said...

There is a way..
Close your eys....
Think you are in India..
Think you are seeing Taj mahal..
Then quickly return to your home
without any jet lag..