Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Change of weather

I always envied people from colder climates because I always felt they have clearer skin. I mean how can you get oily skin if the weather is all cool and dry? Ever tried living in a hot climate where you start sweating the minute you get out of the shower?

I thought that once I got to the US, my skin will be all nice and smooth. Of course not to mention the fact that I am already in my 20's and I'm not supposed to have break outs anymore but..

Boohoo.. I still have the occasional pimples! >.< I didn't have any for the first 6 months of being here and right when I'm going back home and seeing Cody soon.. I get pimples? =.=

I know acne treatments are a bit too overboard but..

Though I actually heard someone saying that if you go to a cooler climate, your skin will be smooth for the first few months, but after its use to the climate, you'll start breaking out again. Damn! =(

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