See how great I am?
Well.. it was also more towards thinking that this would be my last time seeing a lunar eclipse if the thing about it appearing once in a 1000 years is true.
Sorry guys.. this is the end of it.
You know what I mean.
The process was so slow it was torturing. The last time I saw an eclipse was like just 30 minutes. If you din pay close attention, you would miss it. Maybe it was because it was the sun eclipse but still.. This was sooooo... s...l...o...w....!!!!
By the way, these pictures were taken by my Canon S5IS camera. Great shots right? Though I know it needs lots of improvements. The noise is terrible in this. But goodness gracious me! My hands were absolutely exhausted after it. Had to hold so still!!! Din even dare to breath!
See what kind of lengths I go for you guys! Visit me more often ah! Haha..
the other half of the eclipse? you can make yourself! by the help of a torchlight and black cardboard. haha.
ok ok, kidding! xD
Great effort! I appreciate every minute of lost sleep you sacrificed. I'm a stickler for 'perfect' shots but for something like these, what noise?
thanks for the photos..i actually missed it cuz i was doing something else..heehee
Haha.. That's funny! But rest assured these pictures are real! Haha..
Da wingerd acrophobic,
Really? Hehe.. glad to hear that! =) You can't see the noise in the photos?
Really? They have it there too? Totally opposite direction woh..
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