*big smile*
I bought a new camera.. I bought a new camera.. I bought a new camera!
Ok.. I shall stop gloating! =)
Remember a few days ago I showed you the video on the Canon S5 IS camera? Well.. Wahaha.. I bought it already! I know.. I know.. it's a bit too soon and bla bla bla.. But I bought it already so there! ^.^

It was quite a harsh decision though. I saw it on Saturday in Midvalley, went home and went to a few websites to look for its reviews, and the next day.. Asked my dad to buy for me.
My dad is seriously the best I tell you. I never really ask him to buy anything for me before. I mean big stuff.. (Clothes doesn't count) but lately, just because I'm gonna go US, he's suddenly being all nice and offering me to buy me this and that!
He even wanted to buy me a RM2900 (USD828) PDA Dopod Phone!!! I still havent decided yet though.. Him treating me so good is kinda making me feel all weird and 'mo yi si'! Hard to explain la. Makes it all the more harder for me to go overseas. How am I gonna survive without my family?
Anyway.. back to my camera. I don't really know how much it cost coz I wasn't around when my parents bought it for me. But the price that I saw was RM1599 (USD456). Kinda expensive I know. It was between the Canon S850 and this.
The Canon S850 is obviously smaller and slicker. More sexy! But since I am slowly getting interested in photography, I was thinking might as well get a camera that has more functions to play around with. Not really an SLR camera but looks like it. Hehe..
But the size is undeniably big and chunky. I can't imagine being in a cool club having fun with the girls and when everybody wants to take a picture, I take out my chunky huge camera ! Hahah..
Not that I go clubbing often! What were you thinking?
I guess I'll just have to have thicker skin la!
I'm kinda lazy to list down all the functions of the camera. Click here if you want the full list of it's function. But mainly it has 8.0 megapixels of resolution, DIGIC III Image Processor (don't really know what it is), 12x optical zoom lens with an optical Image Stabilizer (IS) system (good for shaking hands like mine!) and 2.5-inch vari-angle LCD monitor with wide viewing angle. It uses four AA batteries.
Now this is the part that I don't really like. It using AA batteries. It's harder to charge right? Not as convenient. But looking at the bright side, I can get batteries anywhere I want now.
Pros and cons as usual.
Of course.. after opening up everything. The first thing I did was to try the camera out! And guess who was my first model?

I don't think you can find this in the market anymore. The memory card is actually obsolete now! Everything of it is manual. And it has been with me for goodness knows how long! 5 years? I always wanted a new camera. And now I finally do!
Sigh.. I'm so lucky.
Thanks dad! =)
See the flash on top. You have to press the small circular button on top and it'll bounced right up itself! So cute I tell you.
And the funniest part is.. When my friends wanna see my pictures.. I love having them looking around my camera finding for the on switch!
Its hilarious I tell you.
Can you guess where the on switch is?
Sigh.. I'm so lucky.
Thanks dad! =)
See the flash on top. You have to press the small circular button on top and it'll bounced right up itself! So cute I tell you.
And the funniest part is.. When my friends wanna see my pictures.. I love having them looking around my camera finding for the on switch!
Its hilarious I tell you.
Can you guess where the on switch is?

Can guess? Can guess?
Or you're just too lazy to find it. Can't be bothered? There aren't a lot of switches there ya know.. DOn't be lazy la..
1st button? 2nd button?
With your expertise in photography and cameras, which I know you have.. which button would you think it is?
Here you go!
Did you get it right? Or as usual you couldn't be bothered? =P
Or you're just too lazy to find it. Can't be bothered? There aren't a lot of switches there ya know.. DOn't be lazy la..
1st button? 2nd button?
With your expertise in photography and cameras, which I know you have.. which button would you think it is?
Here you go!
Did you get it right? Or as usual you couldn't be bothered? =P
And when you actually on it.. It'll give up this very noisy sound where it starts to 'stick' out he's little lens!
It's to tell the whole world I'm ready for action!!!
Naughty guy right?
It's to tell the whole world I'm ready for action!!!
Naughty guy right?
Oooh.. I'm gonna get all sentimental with my camera now.. Don't worry. I'll still use you!
Wah.. A short post become so long now. Thanks for reading finish you guys!!! =)
Awww... You can describe a camera until like that wor... LOL, but seriously you really gotta consider becoming one of the paparazzi chasing stories, nah just kidding lar, anticipating some nice pictures ahead yeah~ Cheers! :)
enjoy your new camera! :D
Hello! Long time no see! How are you? =) I don't think i can be a paparazzi! I'm too shy! Boohoo.. must have very thick face wan! That's what I'm training to be! Hehe..
Take care!
Thanks! =) I am going crazy with it! Hehe..
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