It's really sad sometimes. And according to recent reports, last year saw a steep rise in the number of people that had debt problems. As if it wasn't enough, it was the second consecutive year that the figure has risen. And the worst part is once you're in a debt, it is really hard to get out of it. Some people go on and take even bigger loans with even higher interest rates just to try and pay off their debt. And where does this lead them? They then end up being caught in a vicious cycle! And this could mean bankruptcies and losing everything that they own!
Have you heard of IVA? Well.. this could be a way to solve your debt problems. Take some IVA advice and see if it suits you.
This site has many articles on money saving tactics and how to be thrifty. Among them are
Don't fall for a debt collection scam
Beware of promises to improve your life
You can never be too careful on this. Everyone has a potential to fall into this trap. It is how wise we are in making financial decisions.
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