Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Pet Insurance

Are you a pet lover? I know the only pet I have ever own was a small little turtle that I actually bought for my brother as his birthday present. But it ended up with me looking after it. Which subsequently ended up with the maid in the end!

Even with the little turtle I had a hard time persuading my mum to let me keep it! I had to use my 'lawyer' skills to persuade her that a turtle won't make noise, won't dirty the house and won't need a lot of caring!

She finally agreed though. But the thing is I never really understood how some people can actually treat their pets as their children. Some pets in the world are even living more expensive lives than us!

Like Paris Hilton's dog! Wow.. talk about luxury!

Well, if you're a pet lover yourself you would totally understand right? But have you taught about everything? Do you have a pet insurance for you precious baby?

PetCare Pet Insurance is the only pet insurance company to offer programs both in the US and Canada. Pet Health insurance is definitely gaining it's momentum with more and more pet owners providing what is best for their pets.

But why do we need a pet insurance?

Well, veterinary cost are definitely on the rise! Veterinarians are getting more and more successful and richer by the second because the field of animal medicine is advancing rapidly and conditions which was deemed untreatable is now a different story altogether now. But as always, these advances have come in an increase in the cost of veterinary care.

You want you pet to live long? Well, you will need the moolah to pay for it! And the best way is actually to have a pet insurance for your dog, cat, or tarantula.

With a Pet insurance you can proceed with the best course of action recommended by your doctor and not worry about your pocket. Because at the end of the day, health is everything right?

1 comment:

Cindy Miller said...

Pet Insurance now is the basic need of every pet owner as we cannot say that when our pet can get in an emergency problem and whether we would able to afford it later. Also the cost can be more than the actual cost of the pet.