Thursday, February 02, 2012

Five cents printing

I don't know if I talked about it before but my undergraduate college provided us with free printing services for 500 pages a month (or so the rumor was because I don't think students ever reached that limit so no one knew how true it was) which basically meant that you get free printing for the rest of your college years. They even gave us document imaging software so we can scan stuff instead of printing it. I know you may argue that its included in the tuition but I know of other schools that have even more expensive tuition fees that do not provide free services so seriously.. I don't think its "included in the tuition."

Now in my graduate school, every time I submit an assignment, my professor always require that we also submit the "hard copy" and unfortunately printing one page cost $0.05. I know its not a lot but seriously when you add up...

Argh I miss my undergraduate institution.

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